We all know how important it is that everything works when we talk about relationships, but especially when it concerns to the sex life as a couple.
You always hear someone telling you, sex is not everything. And it is true, it is not everything but it is a very important topic in the success of couple relationships. Actually and in real life, sex is nothing compared to the crazy sex videos that we end up finding on the internet, because despite its importance, not only of sex lives a couple.
But despite the affection and care inherent in a relationship, we know that when we talk about sexual satisfaction, it can be defined as an affective response resulting from the evaluation of the positive and negative aspects associated with one’s sexual relations. And it is considered by many as the last phase of the sexual response, associated with the frequency and variety of sexual activities performed. The phases that make up the sexual response are: desire, arousal, orgasm and sexual satisfaction. In the study of the latter, several variables have been found that determine the level of satisfaction, among them interpersonal and intrapersonal variables and not so many sociodemographic variables. However, it is known that satisfaction decreases with age, and the role of gender is not so clear.
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